Welcome to the re-branding of LifeStyle Custom Homes and the kickoff of our new website!
Here’s where we’ll contribute our knowledge and take on all things related to real estate. This blog is where we’ll discuss building techniques, latest design innovation and advice for first-time investors. We aim to share everything that we find inspirational with our readers!
Here, you’ll find our personal take on investing in real estate. In particular, a great deal of effort is spent filtering the so-called confusion surrounding real estate investing. In actuality, real estate building and investing is not as difficult as it is often made out to be by “experts.”
Without spending thousands of dollars, let us keep you up to speed on real estate activity, as we stay closely informed throughout the year. Our posts will be written in an organized manner, so that any new or seasoned investor can follow along.
This blog will also include personal stories and posts that may tie into real estate investing, but based on something completely unrelated. As an example we have lined up some future posts about insights we noticed when taking a trip to a new country, or an interesting article we read about the benefits of cooking with coconut oil!
We would also like for this blog to be an open dialogue amongst readers, to share opinoins and expertise on the topics we discuss.
We will be launching a newsletter, so that readers can receive posts directly to their email. No spam or sales pitches will be sent … only content.
If you would like to hear more about our personal story, visit www.lifestylereinvestments.com
We’re branding this site as well, so stay tuned.
As a way to hold ourselves accountable to the survival of this blog, we will be offering $50 to the first person to email us if we are late on posting our monthly blog (with the second post scheduled December 10th). How’s that for accountability!?
Thanks for reading!
Quote of the Month:
“If you cannot explain it simply, then you do not understand it well enough” – Albert Einstein