The first day of a new project, whether it be renovation or new build, is the most important day. Some might consider the day they break ground on site as the first day, although most people refer to it as the day you acquire building permits.
Walking onto a job site on the first day without having these items completed will guarantee a project that runs over budget and doesn’t finish on time. On any one of our job sites, this is what I’m aways on the lookout for:
A fence has been erected to keep out the public. Depending on the scope of the job it can be orange fabric mesh fencing or metal chain link fencing; larger projects, if space allows, use plywood hoarding;
Functional bathroom facilities. This means either a working washroom or a port-o-potty. The last thing you want are tradesmen going about their business when a working facility is nowhere to be found during construction;
Copies of the Ontario Building Code Book and Occupational Health and Safety Standards are kept on site for easy reference;
A garbage container, garbage bags, a broom and a shovel — having these items at hand will show that the site will be kept clean and organized;
Building permit numbers are posted on job site. Laminate them too, if possible, so that they don’t get damaged or lost during construction;
At the start of the project it’s wise to have two copies of the building permit drawings on site. Most likely one set will get damaged or borrowed, but the working copy should always be kept on site;
A safety plan should be posted on site detailing the location of the nearest hospital;
Fire extinguisher and first aid kit on site;
Lockbox with a spare key for the site;
Make sure whoever is in charge of mail is regularly able to deliver it. If necessary, attach a temporary mailbox near the front of the site and keep it visible;
Having a designated work area for the project foreman will show that the building company is organized and professional;
A system for keeping track of daily and weekly punch list items.
Try visiting the job site of any successful renovator or builder and you will find that many of these items are in place.
Till next time.
The Perfect Lifestyle is Up to You: Lifestyle Custom Homes / Lifestyle Real Estate Investments.